Future Partners

A brand that’s future-focused

Brand workshops | Competitive Assessment | Positioning | Brand Strategy | Brand Naming | Messaging | Brand Design | Website


Project overview

In 2022, Kirsty Burnett reached out as she needed help to create a powerful brand to embody her new business. As a very experienced worker in international development, she was committed to developing the skills of consultants and organisations leading development project-related services in the Pacific area.



Research and Strategy

We’re an evidence-led agency.

We first wanted/needed to understand what was at the heart of Kirsty’s project. We led a workshop that helped us identify clearly what her activity was (International Development), the unique way she was running it (by enabling people), and what drove her to do this everyday (nurture local engagement). 

Thanks to a thorough assessment of the industry which allowed us to understand who the other players were and how they were bringing their strengths and expertise to development projects, we efficiently managed to propose a clear and unique positioning for Kirsty’s organisation.

“Partnership” was soon identified as a key word to describe Kirsty’s approach to her role. At the heart of her mission were really the people who were to be enabled and empowered. We also established that the local aspect of these services was shared among the industry as a recognised major condition to drive the best possible outcomes for the communities.

The research phase deeply informed our naming process as we had all evidence we needed to bring the strongest routes to the table.

We knew that for her, people come first because she was adamant it was their future that was at stake in these development programs. 

We believed that the organisation’s name needed to be very inspirational and focus on the human component of Kirsty’s project. We landed on “Future Partners” that was truly embracing the ways of working and the outcome focus of the organisation. 

Future Partners imagery

Creative and Brand Design

Messaging and brand design came pretty naturally after this. 

Future Partners was all about personal engagement and connections. Kirsty’s ambition was to develop the skills of others and support her clients to develop their networks, while getting everyone’s participation to establish local ownership of both problems and solutions. Therefore the link between all parts of the projects was to be a very strong element of the brand.

Our creative team designed a logo representing this partnership aspect. The linking shape attaching the two words was inspired by a Māori koru to signify authentic partnerships that result in growth. 

We picked the green colour and full size environment photo style to support the brand commitments to deliver projects that tackle and solve real social problems, make lasting changes, and improve lives and livelihoods.


Future Partners Favicons




Kirsty felt empowered straight away by her new brand. Her new,  simple and easy to navigate website was working harder than ever with her partners to deliver true, sustainable outcomes and improve people’s lives within the Pacific area.

Future Partners Website Mock up

Future Partners Testimonial

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