Brand Insights

Experience our brand insights and ideas through our videos and articles. We delve into the crucial elements of a successful branding journey, including developing a solid strategy, expert execution, engaging content, and ongoing evaluation.

At the core of our branding approach is the belief that every element of your brand must serve a purpose and drive business value.

Brand insights are a clear understanding of how your brand is perceived and performs in the market, helping you make smarter branding decisions. Join us as we explore the intricacies of building a strong, memorable brand.

Brand Positioning finally (fully) explained.

Let’s truly dive into what Brand Positioning really means. What does it take to decide on one? And how can this transform your business?

Is Māori design for everyone?

In this article, we explore why you absolutely need an authentic integration of Māori design and symbolism for relevant brand alignment.

Cost-free brand improvements: 3 Free Actionable Steps

Today we investigate some cost free brand improvements you can lead during tough economic times through 3 free and easy actionable steps.

What is SEO and why is this linked to your brand and your business success?

Our highly experienced Web Director David explains what is SEO and why it is linked to your brand and your business success.

Is my website CMS that important?

About two-thirds of all websites, use a content management system (CMS). But why do they? And is it that important? let’s figure it out!

Customer insight & rebranding

Understanding your customers true needs are essential to succeed in the market. We use this evidence to help lead our brand process. Find our how here.

Branding & staff engagement

We know that for any rebrand project to be a success you HAVE to bring staff along on the journey. Find out how in this short video.

Competitive Analysis

Business is a competition – let’s not forget. Sarah discusses why we work hard to understand the competitive landscape.

Our brand Assessment – what is it?

We assess your brand to analyse deeply understand how it works currently. Then we know what to keep and what to remove for the future.

Evidence-led branding™

Our whole ethos is evidence-led branding. It’s a bit unique so find our more about this method in this short video.

What is our Brand Health Check™?

We’ve built a free tool called the Brand Health Check. It’s designed to help business owners, directors or marketing managers take a quick self-assessment of 5 core areas of their business and brand.

What is the ROI on a rebrand?

Rebranding is more than just a new look. It’s a powerful business move that can significantly drive ROI for your performance.

When and why to rebrand?

Because your brand is your most important business asset, it requires regular maintenance to continue delivering for your business.

How important is my brand?

We believe your brand is your most important business asset. Find out why in this short video.

What does a rebrand process look like?

Our rebrand process is split into 4 or 5 stages. Find out more about the whole process in this quick video.

Who is re:brand?

Who is re:brand? This short video tells you a bit more about us – the specialist brand agency in Auckland and Wellington.

Branding Awards 2023

More success at the 2023 Transform Branding awards in Sydney – beating the best in the world at branding. See which clients succeeded.

Naming – Branding Strategy

Brand Naming is less art form and more a business process (with a creative element). Learn more about naming your business here.

pH7 Testimonial

The change to pH7 was driven by the desire to create a brand that communicated the why, how and what of the business.

Destination KRL Testimonial

Destination KRL have received great feedback from their new name and imagery from both business members and the general public..

How is your brand shaping up in today’s market?

Try out our free online Brand Health Check.

Brand Agency Auckland Wellington - Brand Health Check

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