Brand Positioning finally (fully) explained.

Ever wondered why some brands seem to have a magnetic pull on customers?

Well, we believe the secret lies in having a solid brand positioning. This concept might sound like marketing jargon or an extra step agencies force you to go through before they finally deliver your logo, but it’s actually the key step of any branding job. It is the magic sauce that makes a brand unforgettable and successful.

Today, we are sharing a longer post than usual to truly dive into what Brand Positioning really means.  What does it take to decide on one? And how can this transform your business? Here are a few answers from us.


So, what is -truly- a brand positioning?

Positioning, as you may have guessed, comes from the word ‘position.’ (Surprise, right?!) What you may not know, though, is that the term has roots in the Latin word ‘positio,’ meaning ‘being placed’ or ‘being planted.’ But this term also refers to ‘the circumstances’ that surround the identified object that is ‘positioned’ at the centre.

This etymology pushes us to understand that positioning not only highlights ‘where’ something is, but that this position has to be understood in relation to everything around it. 

In branding, the meaning follows quite literally this definition. Brand positioning is therefore simply the way we refer to the space that a brand occupies in its customers’ minds, in comparison to all the other brands they have identified in the same category. This brings us to the concept of the ‘mental map of the consumer.’

Think of it as a cognitive blueprint that consumers use to navigate their choices. When consumers think about a product or service, they visualise a mental map where various brands are ‘positioned’ based on their perceived attributes and benefits. This map helps them quickly identify which brand to choose based on their needs and preferences.

And on this map, your brand should have its own spot.



Ok, but, why would you need to own a clear position?

Well, it seems quite logical that clearly owning a spot on this map is crucial. Because when your brand occupies a distinct spot in the minds of its customers, it becomes easier for them to remember and prefer it over competitors: you stand out, you are top of mind: you become the obvious choice.

A clear position allowing easier recognition therefore builds trust and loyalty, as customers know exactly where to find you and what to expect from your brand.

And from a very practical angle, it also simplifies your marketing efforts, since it provides a consistent message that resonates with your target audience.



And what exactly does a positioning add to your brand?

Differentiation: As we already mentioned above, brand positioning is ALL about differentiation. What makes your brand unique? This should be at the core of the positioning you opt for, to make sure your brand is the go-to choice when your target audience thinks about your category.

Emotional connection: Effective brand positioning also taps into emotions. It’s not just about what you sell, but how you make people feel when they choose you over competitors. Think about brands like Apple or Nike. They’ve positioned themselves not just as product providers but as part of a lifestyle and a set of values. When people look for a product or a service, they want the “what,” but they decide on the “how” and the “why.”

Clarity and Consistency: Once you’ve identified your unique spot, every touchpoint with the customer will naturally convey it, reinforcing this position more and more. From your logo to your social media, everything echoes your brand’s unique identity and helps dig your position hole deeper and deeper in your target’s mind.

Perceived Value: Your brand’s positioning influences how much customers are willing to pay for your product or service. Remember you are always positioned against others. So depending on your target audience and the part of the business you want to grab for yourself, a well-positioned brand can really ease your work when it comes to convincing your audience of your price point relevance.


Sweet. Now what is in a positioning?

Building a strong brand positioning—and the right one—requires careful consideration of several key factors. Some you need to consider BEFORE you make a decision, like:

Target audience: Understand and define who your ideal customers are. What are their needs, preferences, and pain points? Knowing your audience inside out helps to resonate with them.

Market research: You don’t know what you don’t know. Take the time to analyse your market to identify gaps and opportunities. Even if you think you know all about them, look closer at your competitors and confirm where they are positioned. Your brand will exist in relation to theirs. So you’d better have identified exactly what they are doing and why.

Unique Value Proposition (USP): Define what makes your brand unique. What benefits do you offer that others don’t? Whatever it is, make sure you’re able and ready to create a compelling brand story around this, so you can use it as one of the ingredients determining your position.

Solid brand identity: You need to rely on a clear and consistent brand identity to reflect your positioning. Or, take it the other way, you need a strong positioning to establish a solid brand identity. This includes anything that’s creatively expressing your brand (logo, colours, fonts…) but also your brand’s tone of voice and messaging.


Once you have positioned your brand, you need to constantly feed this positioning through customer experience. It is about ensuring that every interaction with your brand reinforces your positioning. From the quality of your products or services to customer service and marketing communications, you need to be recognised and located in your spot, every time.

In short, Brand Positioning is a business strategic decision.

Indeed, properly defining your brand positioning will have a long-lasting impact on your business results. And this is why it is not something you should overlook or decide too quickly on.

In a world saturated with choices, your brand is the main asset that will help your business stand out and thrive. It gives customers a clear reason to choose you over others.

Your positioning is more than just a space you own in your target audience’s mind. It’s a promise. It is a subtle and consistent way to convey what your brand stands for and what kind of experience your customers can expect. This not only nurtures trust and loyalty, but it ultimately drives your business growth.

Because when you attract the right customers and enhance their retention, you really boost your equity.



Brand positioning might sound like a vague fluffy concept, but it’s really a critical business decision. It is about defining who you are, what you stand for, and why people should care. And most of all, why should they consider you over anyone else.

It’s the art of making your brand unforgettable in the minds of your customers. That’s why we believe it’s worth putting the right effort and time into it.

What do you think?

About the Author: Sarah Bonnefoy.

With over a decade of experience in brand building and marketing for major international brands, Sarah is passionate about uncovering a brand’s core needs and analysing market insights

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